Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fashion Fix and Beauty Tricks 12/20

Hey guys,

I just filmed another vlog. This vlog is a beauty haul/my favorite beauty products and I show the outfit I am wearing today. I am still working on the cool ways to tie scarves vlog for those of you interested and it should be up soon so keep checking back! I am thinking about doing a simple glamorous make up tutorial for the holidays. It will be something kind of fancy but still wearable and festive for holiday parties :) Let me know if there are any videos you would like to see done :)

xoxo jess

Beauty Haul and Favorite Beauty Producst:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fashion Fix Vlogs

Hey guys,

So I got a recommendation to make vlogs (video blogs) and I thought it sounded like fun. There's a link below to my vlog and comment and let me know what you think. I did a haul (a video of what you bought on your last trip's not meant for bragging it's just informational). Also tell me what other kinds of vlogs you would like me to do. I am thinking about doing a scarf one next with cool ways to tie scarves. I ams thinking about doing beauty vlogs/tutorials/recommendations as well because I also love makeup so let me know if you would like to see some beauty videos as well. :)

xoxo jess

Fashion Fix Haul Vlog:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Fashion Favorite #1

What is your opinion on this look?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is This Trend Fur Real?

So the topic of this blog post is about, you guessed it, the new furry trend that's coating vests and handbags this Winter season. This trend is sported by stars and gracing the runways but should it really be worn in daily life regardless if it's real or fake?

My take on it: I'm really not getting into the fur trend at all this no, I will not be wearing one of the faux fur vests that are covering the racks at Forever 21. I am not an advocate of real fur in the least, I would rather see a celebrity or stylist wearing faux fur over animal skins any day. I find many people can not pull off fur appropriately in daily life because it tends to just look cheap and tacky with many of the other clothing items it's paired with regardless if it's fake or not. I say, skip the fur this season and find another fun trend to try and leave all this fur madness to the stylists, designers and the runways.

xoxo jess

What are your guys thoughts on real or fake fur clothing this season?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First Fashion Fix

Hey guys,
 So this blog site is dedicated to all things fashion related and this first blog post is going to give you the low down on what the blog will be about. Its going to be interactive blog so please follow it and comment and send in pictures of your favorite outfits you own or see somewhere and I will incorporate them into the blog. I will also talk about some trends or things I'm loving at the moment in blogs and you guys can comment and tell me your thoughts on it too. I am also planning on doing a column titled "All Jessed Up" which will be pictures of my current favorite outfit in my closet and the stores I bought the items from. Another column I will have will be called "Fashion Favorites" which will consist of my favorite outfits I see around and that I love. So I hope you guys keep checking back for a new blog post and follow the blog :)